PAOLA DE LA CRUZ: “The scholarship and the school choice movement has made a huge difference in people’s lives, especially in my daughter’s life. The education provided and the funds available have literally transformed our family.”

The scholarship and the school choice movement has made a huge difference in people’s lives, especially in my daughter’s life. The education provided and the funds available have literally transformed our family. I believe it’s important to let others know that lives are being changed and that education is improving because of these resources we have for our kids. Otherwise we would not be able to afford such an opportunity.

My daughter Vivi is at Calvary Christian school. Since she’s been enrolled, I have seen a whole different child. Academically she is being challenged. She is being taught to be a student of excellence and a Godly woman, someone who does something for society and the community.

All families deserve the opportunity to go to a school that will give their children the same chance to succeed. A family’s financial situation should not rob a child of their future. Our children deserve the opportunity to exceed and excel.